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Custom Software Development

Are you looking for the perfect piece of software, but cannot find it at any store or on the Internet? Let RJL Software take your request and custom build a product or just a small utility. Alternatively, have you downloaded and been using one of our free products, but it does not do exactly what you like? We are more than happy to tailor our own software to fit your environment.

Need help with a project at work? Tell us your requirements and we will begin saving you time and money. From SQL databse systems to custom utility software, we are your source for unigue custom software development.

RJL Software is well trusted in the business community, with many satisfied customers world-wide. For a cost far below competitors, your exact specifications will be integrated into a tailor-made software solution. We have written a variety of software for all types of companies and individuals. Our staff has been in the software development industry for over 15 years. Read more about ther other services we offer.

If you are interested in what we can do for you, please fill out our request form and we will promptly respond with a reasonable quote.

Most custom programs currently written by RJL Software are on a flat-fee basis. Fees for larger products must be negotiated.

Some of our well known clients include:

Motorola    Pioneer    Digital

What our customers are saying about our Custom Software Development: "Lots of good press so far here (Fall Comdex '99) for the program. I did some testing of the install and operation and all seems really good...All good stuff." - Joshua Kairoff, Sr. Field Engineer at Pioneer New Media Technology

"Considering that the program is a BETA version, I must say you guys are pretty good. I never expected the BETA version of the program to be this good." - Ray Yepes

"This program works perfectly. This was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much." - Randy Sieren, United Title Services

"..it's like you read my mind! Exactly what I had envisioned...your service is a bargain and I look forward to working with you on other projects." - Manning Pick, Motorola

"Our user feedback told us we had a professional-looking site..." - Halmayer, President Mayer Music

"You really exceeded our companies expectations..." - Aaron Boss, KJaro Solutions

"You have saved our company a lot of time and money..." - W. Rampey, CEO Software Maniacs

"Thank you for the custom software, I wish I had found your site earlier..." - Ryan Sage

"The enhancement you made to Message Manger was just what we were looking for..." - Susana Gonzalez