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We have a total of 6 banners for you to choose from in two different categories. We offer RJL Software Company banners (4) and Pranks/Gags banners (2). Please choose the appropriate banner for your site.

Here is our 88x31 banner:

RJL Software

Use the following code for this 88x31 banner:

Here is our 120x90 banner:

RJL Software

Use the following code for this 120x90 banner:

Here is our 216x60 banner:

RJL Software

Use the following code for this 216x60 banner:

Here is our large 468x60 banner:

RJL Software

Use the following code for this large 468x60 banner:

Here is our 216x60 Joke/Prank banner:

RJL Software

Use the following code for this 216x60 Joke/Prank banner:

Here is our large 468x60 Joke/Prank banner:

RJL Software

Use the following code for this large 468x60 Joke/Prank banner: