
RJL Software products are available as shareware or freeware, those offered as freeware can be redistributed to the public without licensing, for more details read our copyright. Choose from the following categories of software:

Utility   Utility Software ( 28 )
Network administration, login script tools, CD tools, startup and shutdown managers, system information/audit. The list goes on and on.
Desktop   Desktop Software ( 4 )
Screen savers, desktop buddies, wallpaper changers. Perfect software to enhance your Windows desktop.
Entertainment   Entertainment Software ( lots! )
Pranks, gags, jokes, April Fools day fun. Great for playing tricks on your co-workers. The largest collection of computer pranks online.
Internet   Internet Software ( 3 )
Server and client lookup utilities that are all online. These free online tools are essential for web surfers.
Security   Security Software ( 1 )
Fast, easy, no hassle security software for your desktop. Lock your computer down with our Security software.

Any products listed on our website can be tailored to fit your specific needs. Custom programs written by RJL Software for business or private use will not be made available to other clients, allowing each client to retain their competitive edge. To learn more about our custom programming services please visit the Custom Services section of our website.