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RJL Software Shirts

Looking for the perfect follow up to the great office prank? Why not give them a T-Shirt that says "I was pranked"?

Become an Official Prankster for RJL Software with this shirt. You will be the envy of the block when you wear RJL Software's Official Prankster shirt.

  • "Official Pankster" appears on the back of the shirt
  • Website appears over left breast (small)
  • 100% heavyweight, pre-shrunk cotton
  • Professionally screen printed
  • Avaiable in black size Large
Order now!
Official Prankster

What better way to tell someone they have been pranked?

Follow up that great office prank with a T-Shirt! With the "I was Pranked" shirt your friends will love you for it.
  • "I was pranked" appears on the front of the shirt
  • Website appears across back
  • 100% heavyweight, pre-shrunk cotton
  • Professionally screen printed
  • Avaiable in white size Large
Order now!
I was pranked

Official Prankster         I was pranked
Actual artwork