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AnyImage Screen Saver

Version History for AnyImage Screen Saver v1.06  FREE!



Updated to detect files that would not load.
The RJL logo will appear if no files were found matching filters
The RJL logo will appear Image file format is invalid and cannot be loaded
The RJL logo will appear Filename contains UTF-8 characters (we currently don't support UTF-8 characters)



Majorly optimized the transition code to allow for the display and transition of much larger files.
Corrected performance issues when transitioning between images. Sometimes pieces of previous image were left on the screen, not any more.
Added the ability to specify the speed of the image transition.
Enhanced the transition to perform well on slower machines and larger file sizes.
Added 20+ new transition such as: Rotational star in center, Spiral rectangle, Circular shred, Reveal V from left/right/top/bottom, Bow Tie Horizontal/Vertical, Diagonal Cross In/Out, Zigzag Horizontal/Vertical, Diamond shred, Reveal diamond out/in from center, Diagonal Box Out, Pixelate, Dissolve, Random Bars Horizontal/Vertical and Channel Mix.
Fixed the configuration off-by-one error when saving transitation information.
Fixed the file search to allow for non-Archive attribute files as well as Archive attribute files.



Corrected the issue with Transitions being selected and the screen saver not working.
Removed the .GIF option text from the about box, it never supported .gif files.
Corrected the installer to detect for a previous instance of the software installed.
Updated the default load images path so AnyImage loads images from location of screen saver by default.
Changed the default delay to 1 second



Added over 150 image transitions
Added option to see the image filename on the screen



Added the filter tab.
Added the option to filter the images that are shown based on the file size.
Added the option to filter the images that are shown based on the extension of the file.
filter the images that are shown based on the attributes of the file (system, read only, hidden).
Updated the logic for when an image is greater than the size of the screen, it now resizes the image so that it can display it within the screen.
Updated the change limit so that you can change the image every second.
Updated the color selection dialog to make it easier to select the color for the background.
Redesigned the user interface to have the Windows XP style.
Updated minor defects with spelling, hints, controls and user interface tweaks.



Added the option to include subdirectories when loading images
Trapped the exception when a bad image is loaded. Now the RJL logo will display if a bad image is found.



Initial version.