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Port Listener

Port Listener v1.03

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Port Listener

Use Port Listener as a free lightweight utility to listen on the specified tcp or udp port. Great for testing "port in use" issues or port testing. This simple utility runs in your system tray and can listen on the port you specify. You can run multiple instances of the application so that you can test multiple ports in use at the same time. The port data view allows you to see what data is being sent to the port. This allows you to analyze the data and see if the transfer is correct.

We use this utlity for testing error conditions from our other software, we figured you might find it useful too. Download Port Listener v1.03.


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Port Listener is the 2nd most downloaded software on our website, and we want to understand why! If you've downloaded and used Port Listener, we'd love to hear from you:

  • What do you use it for?
  • Why did you choose Port Listener?
  • Do you have any suggestions for improvements or new features that would make it even better?

Your feedback will help us enhance Port Listener and, hopefully, make it the #1 most downloaded software here at RJL Software!
Please take a moment to share your thoughts

Fully Portable

  • No Installation Required - Runs directly from an .exe file or folder.
  • Self-Contained - Stores settings, configurations, and dependencies in its own folder.
  • No Registry Modifications - Doesn't change system settings or install drivers.
  • Portable Storage - Can be copied to a USB drive and used on multiple computers.
  • Leaves No Trace - Doesn't leave behind files or registry entries after use.

Command line options for Port Listener:

Port number is supported to be passed along the command line.

listener.exe [port number]

If its a valid port number, the program will start listening immediately on that port number.

Not sure what a command line is or how to use it? See our Support FAQ

How to close Port Listener:

Click the Exit button

Port Listener is compatible with these specific Windows operating systems:
Windows 11 Win 11
Windows 10 Win 10
Windows 9 Win 8
Windows 7 Win 7
Windows Vista Vista
Windows XP XP
Windows 2000 Win 2k
Windows NT NT
Windows ME ME
Windows 98 98
Windows 95 95