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Random Wallpaper Changer

Random Wallpaper Changer v2.02  FREE!

With our Random Wallpaper Changer you can specify a directoy that contains JEPG or JPG or BMP files and it will scan through that directory and randomly change your desktop background to that image file. You can specify how many minutes or seconds Random Wallpaper Changer will change your desktop background. You can even select which way to display your wallpaper (tile, centered, stretched, fit or fill). We also support including subdirectories. There is no limit to the number of images files to select, so you could have a different background everytime you turn around.

This is perfect for those of you who cannot stand to have anything the same and boring on your Windows desktop, let Random Wallpaper Changer do the trick! Use our Wallpaper Preview option to preview the files in each directory. Click here to download Random Wallpaper Changer v2.02 .

How to close Random Wallpaper Changer:

Right-click on the icon in the Windows task bar and click Close.

To run Random Wallpaper Changer you are required to have:
Random Wallpaper Changer is compatible with these specific Windows operating systems:
Windows 11 Win 11
Windows 10 Win 10
Windows 9 Win 8
Windows 7 Win 7
Windows Vista Vista
Windows XP XP
Windows 2000 Win 2k
Windows NT NT
Windows ME ME
Windows 98 98
Windows 95 95