We keep our software FREE by users like you.
Our developers are hungry to add new features!
give them a reason
to stay motivated.
AutoRun Wizard v2.05
A premier utility for quickly and easily creating a professional CD auto launches.
CapsLock v1.00
This simple utility will turn on-off your CAPS lock key.
ClearName v1.00
ClearName is an invisible utility the erases the login name of the user who last logged in.
Create Message Pro v1.00
Create Message Pro is for creating custom .EXE file messages for stand alone distribution.
DelayExec v1.01
DelayExec will launch a file after a specified delay interval.
Group Net Send v1.01
Send a network message instantly to a list of usernames or computers.
Log Info v3.00
Log Info is a small seamless utility that enables quick machine inventory in one simple launch. Great utility to assist in end of the year budgeting for new equipment, gathering computer assets or simple company audits.
Memory Viewer v1.03
View system memory configuration without opening the computer.
Message Manager Deluxe v3.03
Need a way to display a usage policy and track responses? Look no further than Message Manager Deluxe.
Message Manager Lite v1.06
Message Manager Lite is a great utility for network administrators who want to display a Windows style dialog but do not want to program it.
Money Meter v1.01
Money Meter is the easy way to track the average employee expense, per second, over a given period of time.
Net Send Lite v3.02
Send network messages instantly using our Net Send Lite GUI utility.
Now v1.03
Now is a small command line utility that allows you to display your formatted system date and time.
NumLock v2.00
This simple utility will turn on/off your NUM lock key.
Open/Close CD v1.20
This utility is useful for those of you who have programs that require a CD-ROM, this will open the CD-ROM for you when that program is launched.
Port Listener v1.03
Port Listener is a free lightweight utility to listen on the specified tcp or udp port.
Resize Browser v1.04
Resize Browser is a small utility that will resize your Internet browser window. Great utility for a web developer.
Resize JPEGs v1.01
Resize JPEGs is a free, lightweight fast photo resizing tool. Bulk resizing is easy.
ScrollLock v1.00
This simple utility will turn on/off your SCROLL lock key.
Shortcut Key Explorer v1.04
See what shortcut keys Windows currently loaded in memory.
Shutdown v1.02
Shutdown is a powerful Windows shutdown utility. It supports many command line options to fit your needs.
Simple Search-Replace v1.08
If you need to find and replace text, or just find text, this utility is a must have. It is significantly faster and easier to use than any other search and replace utility out there.
Stop Screen Saver v1.03
If you need to prevent your screen saver from starting, download this free utility.
TrayCD v1.06
This utility is useful for those of you who have computers with hard to reach CD-ROM drives. TrayCD will allow you to open or close your CD-ROM with one click.
TreeCopy v1.11
TreeCopy is a handy utility which will copy directory structures in all Windows environments.
UpTime v1.03
This free utility displays the amount of time since the last Windows boot.
Windows Product Key Viewer v3.02
Free utility that shows the installed Windows Product Key (cd key) and other system information.
WinStartup v1.00
WinStartup is a utility that will allow you take control of what programs are launched when your Windows system is started.