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Create Message Pro

Create Message Pro v1.00  - Shareware

Create Message Pro allows you to configure and create stand alone .EXE files for distribution across your network or the Internet. Our Create Message Pro adds the ability to specify the message text, buttons to appear on the message, and the type of message icon that appears. Once your message is fully configured you can save that message anywhere on your computer or on your network as a free standing .EXE file.

Messages created with Create Message Pro are freely distributable to an unlimited number of computers. Download Create Message Pro and test it, its free! Click here to download Create Message Pro v1.00 .

If you want even more control over your messages, take a look at our Deluxe version. Click here for details on Message Manager Deluxe.

How to close Create Message Pro:

Click the Close button from the main screen

Create Message Pro is compatible with these specific Windows operating systems:
Windows 11 Win 11
Windows 10 Win 10
Windows 9 Win 8
Windows 7 Win 7
Windows Vista Vista
Windows XP XP
Windows 2000 Win 2k
Windows NT NT
Windows ME ME
Windows 98 98
Windows 95 95