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Message Manager Deluxe

Message Manager Deluxe v3.03  - Shareware

Message Manager Deluxe is the only login script messaging utility on the market today. There is no other software product that can compare to the features our product offers. This Deluxe version is intended for network login script usage, it supports Novell, NT, Windows 2000, 2003, 2008 login script implementations. We also integrate well with the KiXtart scripting language. If you ever wanted to share information with users across your network or department, this product is the one for you. For example you could display a company privacy or usage policy weekly to users when they log in to their machines. If they choose YES they may continue, otherwise you can shutdown the computer. The possibilites are endless with Message Manager Deluxe.

This product also contains user defined macros for message individuality, scheduling for complete message control, button actions to perform tasks based on each button that was pressed, definition of message text, buttons, fonts, size, location, optional image, sound, hint and much, much more! View our website for in depth detailed facts about our product features.

Download our FREE 100% fully functional version to see what Message Manager Deluxe can do for your company. Message Manager Deluxe is priced based on usage: Single User, Multi-User, Site License and an Enterprise License. View our pricing structure to determine which product type is right for you. Click here to download Message Manager Deluxe v3.03 .

Read our implementation examples below to how other companies our using Message Manager Deluxe.

  • Implementation Example #1 Example of a daily reminder messages based on departments and day of the week.
  • Implementation Example #2 Example of a company-wide upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer before upgrading to a new version of Microsoft Office.
  • Implementation Example #3 A graphical overview of the typical implemention of Message Manager Deluxe on a network.
  • Implementation Example #4 Example of a message that tries to adhere to the School District's demand for the growing issue of district computers being used for non-school purposes.

Message Manager Deluxe is perfect for schools to display an Computer and Network Usage Policies to students before using a computer in the library or classroom. Businesses can use it to get an audit trail for users on each machine by displaying an Acceptable Computer Usage policy prior to logging on to the network. Message Manager Deluxe can be ran local on each computer or it can be ran from one central location on the network for easy maintenance.

Message Manager Deluxe supports RTF message files; you can display different fonts, sizes, colors and other attributes to display within your message. Displayed in samples below our Message Manager Deluxe software can be used to display end user agreements, license agreements or privacy policies. Message Manager Deluxe Tracks the users response for reporting, re-displaying the message again or forcing them to logoff the system. Message Manager Deluxe works via a login script or if "pushed" to the client via LAN based network management software such as SMS or Tivoli.

Message Manager Deluxe includes many features (see our screenshots for examples) that will save any IT department time and money. Download our FREE 100% fully functional product and see how Message Manager Deluxe can change the way your company communicates with its employees or how your school infoms students of computer usage policies.

If you are interested in a low cost computer hardware audit software, take a look at our Log Info product.

Command line options for Message Manager Deluxe:

There is an optional DEBUG command line to help you determine what is happening when you are having problems loading or displaying the message. The usage of this command line option for loadmsg.exe would look like this:

loadmsg.exe [message file with UNC path] DEBUG

Using this DEBUG option will display errors to the user that are normally surpressed for ease of use.

Another command line option is -f which will force the loadmsg.exe application to ignore the schedule settings and the cookie settings.

loadmsg.exe [message file with UNC path] -f

Not sure what a command line is or how to use it? See our Support FAQ

How to close Message Manager Deluxe:

Choose File - Exit from the main menu

Message Manager Deluxe is compatible with these specific Windows operating systems:
Windows 11 Win 11
Windows 10 Win 10
Windows 9 Win 8
Windows 7 Win 7
Windows Vista Vista
Windows XP XP
Windows 2000 Win 2k
Windows NT NT
Windows ME ME
Windows 98 98
Windows 95 95