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FAQ for Simple Search-Replace v1.08    Simple Search-Replace

Click on the question to get the answer. The most popular questions today are listed at the top of the list.

1. Why is Simple Search-Replace free?
2. When is the next release of Simple Search-Replace coming out?
3. Does Simple Search-Replace support regular expressions?
4. Will Simple Search-Replace search Word and other binary documents?
5. Can you search and replace multiple lines?
6. I am getting a Stack Overflow error, why?
7. How can I globally change html within my website?
8. How can I quickly populate the Path to search?
9. Does Simple Search-Replace support regular expressions?
10. Does Simple Search-Replace support command line searching?
11. How can I print the results?
12. Can Simple Search-Replace search and replace text within Word or Excel documents?
13. How can I open one of the results in another program besides Notepad?
14. I get the error: "Exception EOutOfResources in module search.exe"
15. How can I change my Google Adsense code with Simple Search-Replace?

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