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FAQ for AutoRun Wizard v2.05    AutoRun Wizard

Question  When I autorun my HTML, why is Internet Explorer is giving me a warning about blocking content?

When running html off of a cd-rom you might be prompted with the following confirmation message:

This message is coming from Internet Explorer because of the security settings configured within the browser. Internet Explorer is trying to "protect" your computer from HTML content being loaded of your local computer (vs. the internet). This is not controlled by AutoRun Wizard.

To prove that its not our AutoRun Wizard product, you could close Internet Explorer, then re-open it. Then choose the File menu, then the Open option. Select the same HTML file that is in your base folder or on the CD-ROM. Then click Open. Notice you get the same warning message. The same would occur if you drag/dropped the HTML file into the Browser window, Internet Explorer will block it. Once you choose "YES" to allow this content, it will remember that setting for that specific HTML file. Because AutoRun Wizard is loading this file each time dynamically, you would see that error each time autorun loads.

To get around this would can choose Tools - Internet Options, click the Advanced Tab. Scroll down to Security and CHECK the following options "Allow active content from CDs to run on My Computer" and "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer". Click OK and restart IE.

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Added: Feb 23, 2008
Last Updated: Oct 18, 2013