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Question  How can I bypass the Windows 2003/2008 shutdown reason dialog (Shutdown Event Tracker)?

Bypassing the Windows 2003/2008 shutdown dialog (Shutdown Event Tracker) that forces you to enter in a descriptive reason as to why you are shutting down is simple! Microsoft states: "The Shutdown Event Tracker is a Microsoft Windows Server 2003/2008 and Microsoft Windows XP feature that you can use to consistently track the reason for system shutdowns. You can then use this information to analyze shutdowns and to develop a more comprehensive understanding of your system environment." For some users this is just another annoying step you have to go through to shutdown Windows.

Download our free Shutdown utility software. Our software is a cmd.exe console program that allows you to shutdown, restart, reboot or logoff your Windows 2003/2008 server - without having to type in a reason for the shutdown. Normall Windows stores this information as a System Shutdown Reason Code.

Simply create a shortcut to our software and put it on your desktop, then instead of clicking on Start - Shutdown.... you can simply click on our shortcut and we do the rest.

Our free Shutdown utility also has many other command line options, Download Shutdown to find out more.

You can permanately disable the Windows 2003/2008 Shutdown "Enter Reason" dialog by following these steps to turn off the "Shutdown Event Tracker".

Start->Run type gpedit.msc .. hit Enter.
Go to Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System
In there find "Display Shutdown Event Tracker", double click and choose "Disabled".

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Added: Jan 20, 2005
Last Updated: Dec 31, 2007