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FAQ for AutoRun Wizard v2.05    AutoRun Wizard

Question  I autorun an HTML file and it does not do anything, what is wrong?

With AutoRun Wizard you can set the File to Autorun to be an HTML document. This document, by default, will open in whatever the computers default association to the .html extension is. For example, if you double-click on menu.html and it opens Internet Explorer then that means your .html files are associated with Internet Explorer.

In some cases computers are setup to open html files within an editor or some other program, so default option (like double-clicking) will not work. We have included the Browser Options to force the file to be opened within the default browser within Windows. This option will read the registry for the default value of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\command whatever application is setup at the default key will load up your html file.

Sometimes this is not the expected behavior and you want to open your HTML file within Internet Explorer. We have added another option that allows you to force your html file (or any file) is opened within Internet Explorer. Using this option will ensure that your file uses the correct behavior.

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Added: May 24, 2005