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FAQ for AutoRun Wizard v2.05    AutoRun Wizard

Question  Can I use AutoRun Wizard to autorun files on a USB Flash storage drive?

Depending on the version of the operating system, Microsoft has mixed support for autorunning of USB removeable drives. Any old operating system older than Vista, you might run into issues.

Any of the latest Windows 7+ OS's will work perfectly fine. Much better options to distribute your autorun using a USB stick.

AutoRun Wizard will help you to save the configuration setup saved on to the USB storage drive. Works exactly the same as a CD.

Simply make sure you copy the contents of the Base Folder created using AutoRun Wizard and not the actual base folder itself to the USB Flash Drive. The following files MUST exist at the the root of the USB Flash drive:


Along with the files above, you must also include all of the files in the Base Folder you used to create your custom USB autorun.

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Added: Aug 29, 2007
Last Updated: Sep 5, 2024