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Resize Browser

Version History for Resize Browser v1.04  FREE!



Added Mozilla to the browser list by default, also detect and show Mozilla icon in the browser list
Increased the automatically check for browser option to every 10 seconds
Added a Stay On Top option to the right-click menu of the main screen
Changed the about box and added a short splash screen on application startup
Changed Custom Size to a link
Save the custom size no matter what option is written
Corrected the default browser size on the custom dialog



Add the ability to specify the browser window to resize
Redesigned the user interface to be more compact
Added the ability to work with any browser or any program within windows



Updated the user interface to the XP look and feel.
Added a button bar at the top of the main window.
Corrected a defect with multiple browser windows open.
Added icons to represent the different browsers in the list.
Added graphics to the right-click system tray menu.
Added the most common help question into the about box.



Added minimize to the system tray functionality.
Added Auto Refresh option that will automatically check for new instances of browser windows.
Added custom window size functionality.
Added detection for multiple instances of the application.
Rewrote the logic of locating the windows and adding them to the list.



Initial version