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FAQ for Log Info v3.00 Log Info

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Question  When I login I am getting "MPREXE Not Responding" (Windows 95, 98, ME)

This problem is not related to Log Info, rather it is an issue with Microsoft. They have a detailed KB article regarding this, click here to read it.

For a short cause list, Microsoft lists these as the reason:

  • This behavior can occur for any of the following reasons:
  • Your password list (.pwl) file is damaged.
  • A service or program that loads during the startup process conflicts with another service or program.
  • You are using user profiles.
  • There is a hardware conflict on your computer.
  • A hardware driver on your computer is missing or damaged.
  • If profiles are enabled, Windows may not be able to contact the primary domain controller's Netlogon share when looking for a Config.pol file. (Windows checks for a Config.pol file even if policies are not used.)
  • Your primary domain controller (PDC) is not local to your Windows 95 or
  • Windows 98 clients.
  • A single user profile is corrupted.
  • Your network adapter is not correctly seated.
  • You are using a reserved word for your user name.

Again, please refer to this Microsoft Knowledge Base Article.

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Added: Jan 20, 2005