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FAQ for Save Any File v1.00    Save Any File

Question  What if my firewall or ISP blocks downloading a certain file type?

If you ISP blocks you from downloading specific file types then you can use our Save Any File to get that file.

Simply enter in the full URL to the file you want to download. After submitting your request a page will appear that allows you to download the file. At the bottom of this screen there is a textbox that allows you to rename the file your looking for to ANY filename you want!

For example, if your firewall or ISP blocks downloading .MP3 files. You can use our Save Any File to download the MP3 you want, then rename it to a .TXT file on our servers. Once you download the .TXT file (which is really a MP3 file) you can save it to your computer. After it has been saved locally, you can rename it back to an MP3.

Its as simple as that!

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Added: Jan 20, 2005