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FAQ for Open/Close CD v1.20    Open/Close CD

Question  How can I make it close the CD-ROM?

We already showed you how to EJECT your cd-rom, now you can see how to have Open/Close CD close your cd. Just add the word "close" after the target path.

1. Right-click on OPEN_CD.EXE and choose properties.
2. Where it says Target, Add the following to the END

C:\{Whatever the path is}\OPEN_CD.EXE close

3. Then Click OK



If you want to specify a drive letter (for multiple CD-ROM's) just add the drive letter:

(this would open the CD-ROM drive E:\)

If you want to troubleshoot the "Target", copy the contents and then paste it into your Start-Run box.

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Added: Jan 20, 2005