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Question  How can I import the data into SQL Server 2000?

This will walk you through the steps of importing the LOGINFO.LOG file into Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

You must FIRST copy the LogInfo output file from the network to a local directory. This file must be renamed to have a .CSV extension. The file should be named LOGINFO.CSV.

You must create an ODBC data source for the file you want to import.

- Select the ODBC Data Source Administrator from within the Control Panel
- Add a New ODBC by clicking on the Add button
- From the list select the Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)
- Click on Finish
- Enter in a logical Data Source Name
- Uncheck the checkbox for Using the Current Directory
- Select the Directory where the .CSV file exists
- Click on the OPTIONS button
- Under the Files box click on the Define Format button
- From here you can define the format and fields of the .CSV file
- Select the .CSV file you want to define
- Click the Column Name Header box to define that the first row will be used as column names
- Make sure the format is CSV Delimited
- Change the Rows To Scan to 100
- Change the Characters to ASNI
- On the right side click on the Guess button to determine the columns of the file
- Click OK to save these schema changes
- Click OK again to Add the ODBC Driver

This will create a schema.ini file within the same directory as your .CSV file. This schema.ini file defines the format of the .CSV file, fields, types, lengths, etc. You can manually edit this file within NOTEPAD.EXE to make database format schema changes.

Now you have to use Microsoft's DTS Import/Export Wizard to import the data from the ODBC driver you created above into SQL Server.

- Launch the DTS Import/Export Wizard
- Click Next to begin
- From the Choose a Data Source screen you want to pick the option to get the data from Other (ODBC Data Source)
- Click the radio option for User/System DSN
- From the list selct the ODBC data source you created from above
- Click on Next to continue
- From the Choose a destination screen you select the SQL server you want to import the data into. You can also choose to create a new database on the fly
- Click on Next to continue
- Click on Next to copy the tables from the source database
- Click on Next to confirm the tables you want to import
- Click on Next to Run this import immediately
- Click on Finish to start the import

You should see the DTS Import/Export Wizard progress screen importing the data into SQL Server. When it has completed you will see a message that one table was successfylly copied to SQL Server 2000.

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Added: Jan 20, 2005
Last Updated: Feb 12, 2006