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Windows Product Key Viewer

Screenshots for Windows Product Key Viewer v3.01

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Screenshots v3.01 - for newer Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 and Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2012, 2011 and 2008 R2

When you load Windows Product Key Viewer it will display this screen with a lot of information!

For privacy reasons, clicking the "Reveal Windows Product Key" link will display the product key for only 30 seconds

Windows Product Key Viewer

This is an example of the comparison between a Windows Genuine Product Key and a pirated, bad Windows Product Key. Our software detects this and will display these indicators.

Windows Product Key Viewer

If your Windows Product Key is determined to not be Genuine, Windows might display this dialog and warn you.

Windows Product Key Viewer

Example of the Extra Information we retrieve from Windows 11.

Windows Product Key Viewer

This shows you your Windows Score, also known as the "Windows Experience Index (WEI)". This displays a numerical rating that indicates the overall performance of your computer's hardware, generated by a built-in tool in Windows; a higher score means better performance, with the lowest score representing the weakest component in your system.

Windows Product Key Viewer

Windows Updates tab allows you to see the different types of updates that have been installed, the Knowledge Base ID, when it was install, who installed it and a short description of the Windows update

Windows Product Key Viewer

If you choose File -> Save, you can save the output that is displayed on the screen to a text file. Great for archival purposes.

Windows Product Key Viewer

Here is an example of Windows 10 Home that is not a Genuine Windows Product Key. We still allow you to copy the Windows Prodct Key, but inform you that it isn't Geniune.

Windows Product Key Viewer

Example screenshot of when your version of Windows does not support the Windows Score metrics.

Windows Product Key Viewer

Example of the Extra Information we retrieve from Windows 10.

Windows Product Key Viewer

Here is an example of Windows 7 Ultimate Edition that is not a Genuine Windows Product Key. We still allow you to copy the Windows Prodct Key, but inform you that it isn't Geniune.

Windows Product Key Viewer

Under the Extra information the ReleaseID and Display Version are missing, as this version of Windows does not support these values. In addition, this Windows Product Key is not Genuine.

Windows Product Key Viewer

Item 4

Windows Product Key Viewer

In this example the Windows Product key is Red. When the Windows Product Key is not Genuine, the border around the Genuine Logo flashes yellow and red. In addition, there is a large thumbs down showing you the Windows Product Key is not in good standing with Microsoft. We still allow you to display the full Windows Product Key and copy it

Windows Product Key Viewer

If your Windows Product Key is determined to not be Genuine, Windows might display this dialog and warn you.

Windows Product Key Viewer

This is an example of the comparison between a Windows Genuine Product Key and a pirated, bad Windows Product Key. Our software detects this and will display these indicators.

Windows Product Key Viewer

There is an example of a Mutli Volume License. A Windows Multi Volume License is a Microsoft agreement that allows a business to install and use Windows on many devices. It's a cost-effective way for businesses to purchase software licenses for multiple users or devices.

Windows Product Key Viewer

If you try and reveal the Windows Product Key when the installed Windows is a Mutli Volume License, you will get a Windows Product Key of BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB. Due to the license type, we are unable to get a specific Windows Product Key unique to the machine.

Windows Product Key Viewer

Under the Extra information the ReleaseID and Display Version are missing, as this version of Windows does not support these values. Even though this Windows Product Key is Genuine.

Windows Product Key Viewer

Screenshots v2.00 - for older Windows Vista, XP, ME, 98, 95 and Windows Server 2003, 2000 and NT

When you close Windows Product Key Viewer, a message box with randomly generated text will appear, inviting you to support the continued development of the software. Based on your selection, the software will either close or open our website, where you can contribute to future development.
Note: Contributing does not disable this message box, it will always appear upon closing the software.

Contribute to keep free

After closing the message box above, as Splash Screen will appear. This message will close in 10 seconds automatically, there is nothing you need to do.

RJL Splash Screen

This is the main screen of Windows Product Key Viewer where view the installed Product Key and see other information about Windows. From the menu you can print or save this information for later use. Note: We have blurred out our Product Key and Product ID for this screen shot. When you download an run this software on your computer, you will be able to view this information. This is an example of a Windows 2003 display.

Windows XP

Below is an example of a Windows 2003 display.

Windows 2003 product key

We also detect 64-bit Windows product keys, as noted below.

Windows 2003 64-bit product key

If your software is running under VMWare, VirtualPC or Virtual Server it will be noted in Windows Product Key Viewer. The screenshot below displays Microsoft Vista Ultimate's product key, running under VMWare.

Windows Vista product key

If you still use it, we still support it! We also coded Windows Product Key Viewer to detect Windows 98's product key.

Windows 98 product key