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Windows Product Key Viewer

Version History for Windows Product Key Viewer v3.01

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Added the ability to column sort any column on the Windows Update tab.
Added everything that is within the application into the .txt file you save.
Cleaned up the user interface (UI) to be more consistent.
If an operating system does not support a particular feature, it is now removed from the UI and remoed from the saved .txt file.
This update was made possible by users like you. Support our next update.



Complete re-write of the software, starting from scratch.
Adding more features required us to limit the operating system support.
This version 3.00 only supports Windows 7, 8, 10, 11, and newer. and Windows Server 2008, 2011, 2012, 2019, 2022, and newer.
Added Microsoft Windoes Geniune Software support.
Added Licensed Users and Number of Users on the system.
Added ReleaseID, Build Lab, Build Revision Number, Display Version, Installation Type.
Added User Access Control (UAC), Game Mode and Virtualization Status.
Added Windows Score.
Added Windows Updates list.
Added ability to double-click Copy value on Machine GUID, Build Lab and Product ID.
This update was Sponsored by our users, please consider providing support for our next update!

v2.00 has reached its end of life. You can still use v2.00 on older Windows systems, but we will not be updating or maintaining the code.



Attempted to add preliminary support for Windows 11
Attempted to add preliminary support for Windows Server 2008, 2011, 2012, 2019 and 2022



Added full support for Windows 10
Added Windows Live ID for Windows 8



Significantly increased performance. Application starts in less than a second now.
Initial support for Windows 10 product keys.
Windows 8.1 product key detection corrected.
Added Windows Last Boot Time.
Added Logged in User name.



Corrected the Save functionaly to include everything on the screen.
Added Machine GUID.
Added Microsoft Internal Build Number.



Added support for Windows 8
Corrected Edition on Windows 2008 and Windows 7



Added support for Windows 7.
Added support for Windows 2008.



Added detection for VMWare, VirtualPC and VirtualServer
Fixed the Windows 95 detection.
Fixed Windows Vista 64-bit detection.



Added support for 64-bit Windows detection.
Updated the uptime not to include zero values.
Added a double-click to Refresh Windows Uptime option.
Added the option to open the saved file after saving it.
Changed the main menu to be buttons instead of menus.
Added support for Microsoft Vista



Initial version